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Singing HU has many benefits for those that sing it. Ultimately though, it is not about us – it is a love song to God. It is a chance for us to give thanks for our blessings and express our love to God with no strings attached. God is a giver, so it is not surprising to realize He sends this love right back, to us and to others, in countless ways.

Redwood National Park

We were gathered with Prophet on a beautiful winter morning to sing HU, a love song to God. Over the years I have come to appreciate HU more and more. It has many facets and layers to what it is and what singing with a grateful, open heart can do. Learning about HU is like learning about God, it is never ending and amazing. Singing HU is a pure way to send love to God. It helps tune one in to Divine Spirit and open one’s heart to receive blessings of love, peace, joy, clarity, strength, healing, spiritual truth, and more. HU can raise one up to a higher spiritual view to be more receptive to the Prophet’s inner communication and teachings. It can also be a way of praying for others. It is not asking for anything specific or trying to direct God in anyway. Simply sing HU and send love to God with a gentle intent in your heart for others to be blessed, then surrender this prayer and let God take care of the rest. Our Father knows His children. He and His agent, the Prophet, know what people need and the best way to deliver the blessings.

We began to send love to God by singing HU. I had a conscious intent in my heart for God to use the love sent in my HU song to bless other Souls in whatever way He knew best. I then surrendered the outcome. I maintained my focus on sending love to God. Then a scene came into my inner vision. I saw a river of gold and was drawn toward it. I stood alongside this beautiful flowing river for a while then began walking upstream. I could see HUs arriving at the source of the river. They appeared as containers of all types that were filled with love. Some looked like coins, others as blocks or shapes of different kinds. As the individual containers were poured into the river they were turned into liquid gold.

I then followed the river back downstream through a valley surrounded by mountains. In the distance where the sun met the horizon, I saw the river pouring over the edge and down into a swirling vortex. I had a knowing that this golden river was a river of God’s Love. It was being poured out from the Abode of God down to all the Heavens below. As God’s Love initially went out, it was very intense and concentrated. I watched this from above and then experienced it from below as it came down into the lower Heavens. As it came into the lower material realms, below the fifth Heaven, it was toned down. And when God’s Love came into the physical world it became even more subtle. It almost seemed that God’s Love was being disguised in many ways so not to scare or startle anyone. It came as comfort to some, a smile to another, companionship to someone who was lonely, a warm meal to one who was hungry, a kind look, acceptance, and family. The delivery was so unobtrusive, gentle, or familiar that it was often not seen for what it was, a very personal gift of love from the Father to His beloved children. How beautiful it was to witness where our HUs go and how amazing it was to be shown some of what God does with love sent to Him when we sing HU.

In reflecting on this experience I have gained a new perspective of the blessings in my own life. God’s Love is infinite. It is sometimes soft and warm as in this experience but it can also be more direct, intense, or seemingly disruptive. It may come as change in outer circumstances of life or through a life lesson that facilitates growth in some way. It may come by way of the Prophet showing truth about our self or a situation, or by providing an inner experience that brings a higher view of life. I am very grateful for the gift of love that gives me the eyes to see and brings deeper appreciation for the ways God expresses His Love.

Written by Lorraine Fortier