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What a gift to see a loved one again after they have passed on from the physical. It matters not if human or animal because love is love. Either way it is a joyous reunion and special blessing.

Excerpt from “Testimonies of God’s Love – Book 1.”  Available in print, eBook, and audio format.


For about thirteen years I had a pet black Labrador Retriever named Callie. I adopted her when she was six weeks old, and she was with me until she passed in 1998 of declining health and old age. I have no children, so she really was almost like a daughter to me. I loved her dearly and felt very sad for a long time after she died.

I am blessed to have had several dreams with her. In one of the dreams she was a puppy, and I was taking her for a ride in a basket that was attached to the handlebars of the bicycle I was riding. She was happy and healthy, and we were having so much fun together! In the dream, I could feel the wind blowing on me as I rode the bicycle. I could also feel the love I have for her and the love she has for me. It was a beautiful experience. I had a dream about Callie this year, many long years since she passed. In this dream she was a little older. We were having a happy, playful, loving time together. I was petting her and she was “dancing” around me, wagging her tail in delight.

These dreams, these gifts of love from the Divine, warmed my heart and brought back fond memories of our time together. The dreams are such a blessing to me. I know these dreams are real! Animals are soul too. The dreams about Callie reassured me that she is still alive and happy in the other worlds. The love we have for our loved ones, including our pets, and the love they have for us lives on after they have passed. I am deeply grateful to the Divine for these beautiful personal gifts of love.

Written by Cathy Sandman